مؤتمرات ومعارض اوربية وامريكية

The 18th Forbes Investment Cruise PDF Print إرسال إلى صديق
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 21:00   

Mexican,  November 28 to December 5/2010 This is a special invitation to join the Forbes family again for an unbeatable combination of fun and profit on the 18th Forbes Cruise for Investors.
We’ve arranged a superb opportunity for you to spend seven magical days cruising the Mexican Riviera with fellow market enthusiasts and a brilliant faculty of top investment experts. You will get to know them on a first-name basis, learn about the analysis they do to reach their recommendations, and hear specific, profitable investing strategies—all while relaxing in six-star luxury aboard the spectacular Crystal Symphony.
Prime cabins have been reserved, the best possible pricing has been negotiated, and an extraordinary roster of speakers will be on board, so join us for this extraordinary cruise adventure. Our many repeat cruisers will tell you there is no better way to combine pleasure and profit than on a Forbes investment seminar cruise!

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The Financial Advisor Symposium Orlando 2010 PDF Print إرسال إلى صديق
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 20:57   

Orlando, November 17 to 19/2010
Increasing competition, changing markets, and sophisticated clients still reeling from the economic fallout have created a challenging environment for financial advisors.
Now more than ever, it is important to recognize the potential for opportunity.  Attend the Financial Advisor Symposium, where you will have the opportunity to learn how some of the most successful financial advisors are navigating these changing waters, and top analysts and portfolio managers will steer you through the fluctuating markets and discuss some of the best ways to incorporate cutting-edge investment vehicles into your clients’ portfolios
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The Traders Expo Las Vegas 2010 PDF Print إرسال إلى صديق
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 20:55   

Las Vegas, November 17 to 20/2010

Trading in highly volatile markets requires a disciplined approach and there are techniques you can learn to use now that minimize your risk and increase your profits. The secret lies in knowing how consistent traders find trades and manage them well from start to finish. Anyone can learn these strategies—all you need is a commitment to learn what works and the confidence to implement them. Every speaker at The Traders Expo is carefully selected because of their

proven ability to teach trading techniques that can lead to a lifetime of success. Register now and prepare for three days that will get you on track for a profitable 2010.
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The World MoneyShow London 2010 PDF Print إرسال إلى صديق
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 20:51   

London,November 12 to 13/2010

What a year it has been! Since last year’s World MoneyShow, we’ve seen surging unemployment and a precipitous drop in both property prices and global financial markets, making even the most successful investors and traders flee to safe, income producing investments. In times like these, it’s critical to have a venue to hear and learn from the best financial minds in the world. The World MoneyShow is the only place you’ll meet, hear from, and find out how to profit from leading experts. That’s why we hope you’ll attend the conference, free, as our guest!
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The World MoneyShow Toronto 2010 PDF Print إرسال إلى صديق
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 20:48   

Toronto, October 20 to 22/2010
The global market crisis has prompted investors to take more personal control of their portfolios now more than ever before. Some have protected or even grown their portfolios in these challenging market conditions.
 The difference between those who have enjoyed success and those who have not is no secret. Having in-depth knowledge about the markets garnered from both education and experience is paramount to the success of every investor and trader.
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