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الرعاة الاعلاميون
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Wednesday, 21 January 2009 08:30   

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Egypt is honored to present The Guru of  Lateral Thinking Dr. Edward De Bono On the 19th of October 2010
Who is Dr. Edward de bono?

About Edward De Bono Edward De Bono is regarded by many to be the leading authority in the world in the field of creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. He is the originator of "Lateral Thinking" "which has an official entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, and the extremely popular "Six Thinking Hats" concept. Lateral Thinking as a concept, deals with changing concepts and perceptions which treats creativity as the behaviour of information in a self-organising information system - such as the neural networks in the brain. From such a consideration arise the deliberate and formal tools of lateral thinking, parallel thinking etc.

نادي خبراء المال غير مسئول عن تعليقات القراء.الآراء الواردة في التعليقات تعبر عن آراء أصحابها
بإمكانك الإبلاغ عن التعليقات الغير لائقة و سوف يتم حذفها أوتوماتيكيا.
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