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مؤتمرات ومعارض عربية وخليجية شقيقة
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 21:06   

Oman has a free market economy which is opened to trade for foreign investments.
Worth mentioning that the Forex Business is one of the most important types of investments that the local citizens, the expatriate and the Omani investors are interested in.

Based on the previous year’s Forex Expos positive return, the World National Exhibition (W.N.E) for the third time is organizing September 2010 Forex Expo.

One of the most important objectives of the event is to attract all interested individuals, inverstors as well as companies to Forex Trading business, and because of the previous Forex Expos success, we believe  September 2010 Forex Expo is going to be the best opportunity for both Forex Companies as well as investors to promote their investments and make the traders understand the market the way should be.

Expected participants for this event would be national and international banks, Forex brokers and many more others who are interested in this type of business.

نادي خبراء المال غير مسئول عن تعليقات القراء.الآراء الواردة في التعليقات تعبر عن آراء أصحابها
بإمكانك الإبلاغ عن التعليقات الغير لائقة و سوف يتم حذفها أوتوماتيكيا.
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