The Forex, Futures, & ETFs Expo Las Vegas 2010 PDF Print إرسال إلى صديق
مؤتمرات ومعارض اوربية وامريكية
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 20:45   
Las Vegas,September 23 to 25/2010
The opportunities now available to individual traders in the forex and options markets are astounding. Both markets have absolutely exploded in volume and variety, offering you the ability to trade, hedge, or capitalize on just about any economy, company, or commodity imaginable. In fact, there are so many choices, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure what to do next in these uncertain markets.
While the answer to the question of “what to trade” and “how to trade” differs for each trader based on their risk tolerance, the answer to the question of “where to learn” is simple and universal for everyone: The Forex & Options Expo, September 23-25, at Caesars Palace!
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