Jordon Forex Expo |
مؤتمرات ومعارض عربية وخليجية شقيقة |
الكاتب فريق المؤتمرات on Friday, 07 May 2010 18:05 |
Therefore, we are honored in (AFAQ GROUP) to invite you to participate in (5th Jordan Forex Expo) (The Biggest Forex Show) which will be held between 3rd - 4th, May 2010 Amman - Jordan with participating of many companies, professionals, experts and analysts. Event's Message:- Looking into what the world is experiencing with the fast revolution in the economic and financial consulting in the different sectors especially in the FOREX locally and internationally and banking sector. All of which are factors to force investors to find the right place in the investing world ….. FOREX, stock, securities and bonds, real estate. And get familiar with strategies of the investing sectors (profit sector) and diversity the investing are important rules used in the investing financial markets to obtain the balance between risk and return. In the financial world, there is always who thinks different and has his own political /financial wisdom. (5th JORDAN FOREX EXPO) is the meeting center point for many financial and investment institutions and brokers, in addition to all interested business owners. To show the standards and professional services to create transparency to attract different investment opportunities, especially after the last economic crises in last 2 years.
نادي خبراء المال غير مسئول عن تعليقات القراء.الآراء الواردة في التعليقات تعبر عن آراء أصحابها
بإمكانك الإبلاغ عن التعليقات الغير لائقة و سوف يتم حذفها أوتوماتيكيا.
بإمكانك الإبلاغ عن التعليقات الغير لائقة و سوف يتم حذفها أوتوماتيكيا.
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24.4.2011 12:00